公司简介  / ABOUT US
江西赛达试验设备有限公司位于江西省抚州,公司建筑面积13000多平方米,是一家模拟环境与可靠性设备集研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的专业生产制造商。 公司核心产品有:1、盐雾系列如:盐雾试验箱、温度/湿度/盐雾复合式试验箱、步入式盐雾试验室;2、高温系列:标准及非标准高温试验箱,如300度高温试验箱,500度以上高温试验箱;3、恒温系列:标准及非标准高低温试验箱如:双层高低温试验箱、可程式恒温恒湿试验箱、快速温变试验箱、步入式恒温恒湿试验室等。 公司“以质量取胜,以诚信为本,以客户为中心”迈向模拟环境与可靠性测试行业,公司在上海、宁波、厦门、天津、武汉设有服务网点,形成快速响应的技术服务网络,与广大新老客户建立长期合作关系。产品销往全国乃至,广泛应用于、汽车、轨道交通、电子元件、通讯、锂电池新能源、半导体、光电LED、家用电器、涂料、卫浴、第三方检测实验室、质检机构、科研院校,深受广大客户好评。 公司产品符合国标、标及国际行业标准,积极聆听用户的真正需求与建议,精心打造产品的工艺与性能,服务宗旨致力于为客户提供专业化、标准化、个性化的综合解决方案。 Jiangxi Saida Test Equipment Co.,Ltd is located of Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province, more than 13,000 square meters area. It is a professional manufacturer that integrates research and development, production, sales and service of simulated environment and reliability equipment. Major products are as below: 1. Salt Spray Chamber Series: Salt Spray Chamber, Climate Salt Spray Chamber, Walk In Salt Spray Chamber; 2. Drying Oven Series: standard and non-standard dry oven, such as 300 degree Drying Oven, 500 degree Drying Oven; 3. Climate Chamber Series: standard and non-standard climate chamber, such as Double-Layers High Low Temperature Chamber, Climate Chamber, Rapid Temperature Change Chamber, Walk In Climate Chamber. The company "wins with quality, based on honesty, customer centric" to the simulation environment and reliability test industry. It has service center in Shanghai, Ningbo, Xiamen, Tianjin and Wuhan to form a fast-response technical service network. Establish long-term cooperative relations with new and old customers. Products are sold throughout the country and even the world, and are widely used in military products, autos, rail transit, electronic components, communications, lithium battery new energy, semiconductors, optoelectronic LEDs, household appliances, coatings, sanitary ware, third-party testing laboratories, quality inspection agencies, scientific research institutions, well received by customers. The company's products comply with the national standard, the national military standard and international industry standards, actively listen to the real needs and suggestions of users, carefully craft the technology and performance of the product, and the service aim is to provide customers with the best comprehensive solutions of professionalization, standardization and personalization. 查看详细
工商信息Business information
经营状态 存续 天眼评分


注册资本 1000万人民币 人员规模 -
实缴资本 工商注册号 361022210026031 组织机构代码 MA38YJNT-0
统一社会信用代码 91361022MA38YJNT05 纳税人识别号 91361022MA38YJNT05 营业期限
企业类型 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) 行业 仪器仪表制造业 核准日期
参保人数 0 登记机关 黎川县市场监督管理局
曾用名 英文别称
注册地址 江西省抚州市黎川县日峰镇工业大道2号(工业园区)
经营范围 新能源设备、环境可靠性试验设备、高温老化试验设备、计量检测仪器、冷水机制造、销售和进出口、租赁、安装、维修;试验检测服务(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)
股东信息Shareholder information
序号 股东(发起人) 持股比例 认缴出资额 认缴出资日期
90% 900万元人民币 2050-12-31
5% 50万元人民币 2050-12-31
5% 50万元人民币 2050-12-31
专利信息Patent Information
序号 申请日 专利名称 专利类型 申请号 公开(公布)号 公开(公告)日




资质证书qualification certificate
证书图片 名称 发证机构 生效日期 截止日期  
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