

高洁净αβ阀 蝶阀

  • 公司名称昌铭科技(温州)有限公司
  • 品       牌昌铭
  • 型       号昌铭
  • 所  在  地温州市
  • 厂商性质生产厂家
  • 更新时间2024/1/15 9:42:11
  • 访问次数1077
在线询价 收藏产品 进入商铺 同类产品

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  Changming Technology (Wenzhou) Co., Ltd is a new technology company specializing in sanitary stainless steel valve and sanitary pump products. Its products are widely used in biopharmaceutical engineering, dairy beverage engineering and beer brewing equipment, serving middle and high-end customers in the industry. Our products include sanitary stainless steel ball valve, butterfly valve, diaphragm valve, sterile sampling valve, reversing valve, safety valve, centrifugal pump, self-priming pump and rotor pump. According to the requirements of customers, we can carry out fine organization production according to different requirements and standards. Our products are manufactured in strict accordance with ISO / DIN / IDF / 3A / SMS standards and try our best to meet the product requirements of our customers. We adhere to the business philosophy of "focus, profession and concentration", highly maintain the "high-precision manufacturing technology", create the quality concept of excellent quality, create better products with a pragmatic attitude, strictly control the quality, standardize the process, and continue to innovate.
工作温度 50 公称通径 50
连接形式 快装 流动方向 单向
密封形式 软密封型 驱动方式 手动
通道位置 其他 温度范围 中温
压力 低压 有效截面积 0.01
执行质量标准 国标 材质 不锈钢
产地 国产 产品大小 中型
产品新旧 全新 结构形式 其他
适用介质 气固 型号 cm
高洁净αβ阀 蝶阀 产品信息





Zhejiang Changming Technology Co., Ltd. is a new technology company specializing in sanitary stainless steel valve and sanitary pump products. Its products are widely used in biopharmaceutical engineering, dairy beverage engineering and beer brewing equipment, serving middle and high-end customers in the industry. Our products include sanitary stainless steel ball valve, butterfly valve, diaphragm valve, sterile sampling valve, reversing valve, safety valve, centrifugal pump, self-priming pump and rotor pump. According to the requirements of customers, we can carry out fine organization production according to different requirements and standards. Our products are manufactured in strict accordance with ISO / DIN / IDF / 3A / SMS standards and try our best to meet the product requirements of our customers. We adhere to the business philosophy of "focus, profession and concentration", highly maintain the "high-precision manufacturing technology", create the quality concept of excellent quality, create better products with a pragmatic attitude, strictly control the quality, standardize the process, and continue to innovate.

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